Natalie Camerino

Food Science

Lab beakers filled with substances that are being tested.

During my research in Dr. Ganjyal’s food processing lab, I worked on quinoa and lentil proteins, fibers, and starches. My faculty mentor was Dr. Girish Ganjyal. I learned from my faculty mentor that doing research in the lab is a great opportunity to learn as much as possible about the procedures and connect it to what we learn in our food science classes. He suggested that once I learned a procedure that I understand the process better by reading the books in the lab to get a more detailed experience with the procedures. 

Lab materials.

The most beneficial part of being a part of Ignite was building a community with the other undergrads and grad students that work in the lab. I got to connect with other people that have the same love and passion that I have for food. Also making connections with the other departments within the CAHNRS college and getting to know the alumni from the Ignite program. My favorite part about the research that I was doing was that I got to work with samples that I had no clue what they were, and I got to use amazing equipment that I wouldn’t have access to in a regular class lab on campus. 

The Ignite program assisted me with my transition to college life by helping me become more involved and make new friends in my major. The program also helped me gain more experience in research as an undergrad. It allowed me to make lots of connections between the different departments in CAHNRS during the networking events and dinners.