Burnett, Grover Graduate Education Fund

In memory and honor of Grover Burnett who earned his PhD in Plant Pathology in 1932, this scholarship fund was created by John B. Cox.

John credits his stepfather, Grover, with encouraging his interest in science throughout his childhood. “I gained a step-father who recognized and encouraged my budding interest in Science. Soon, a microscope appeared under the Christmas tree and I used it to study slides of diseased Zea maize, part of Grover’s Doctoral work on the “tobacco mosaic”.

John completed his undergraduate and master’s degrees in Chemical Engineering. He enjoyed a productive and satisfying career and attributes a significant part to his stepfather’s interest and encouragement in his science and engineering education.  He hopes to pass on this same passion to the next generation by helping students achieve their goals in the field of Plant Pathology.

Award Requirements:

The distributions from this Fund shall be used to support the activities of graduate students in the field of Phytopathology (Plant Pathology).