MLK remembered

Freak Alley in Boise, Idaho.
MLK mural from Freak Alley, an open-air, multi-artist mural gallery located in Boise, Idaho

After the long weekend, I headed to Miami to spend the rest of the week learning about philanthropy and donor relations at the Development for Deans and Academic Leaders Conference. While it may seem trivial, I am always open to learning and improving. Our donors are important to us and our success in CAHNRS; just as important is thinking about our own philanthropy and what that says to our donors.

This week, I also attended the Washington State Department of Natural Resources board meeting. The board meeting went as expected, with mostly customary topics on the agenda. Later this week I will meet a few candidates for open positions in our college. I enjoy meeting candidates and seeing their enthusiasm about joining WSU and CAHNRS, learning more about their backgrounds, and hearing about their ideas for an impactful future. I know we may be headed toward another period of slowed hiring as we regain enrollment numbers, but in the meantime, we can embrace what hiring we are able to complete.

Last week the CAHNRS Growth and Visioning Task Force met for the first time. We had a good discussion about process. The creative work, which involves building on ideas already contributed by chairs/directors and their teams, is yet to come as we think about Washington’s future and how CAHNRS contributes to achieving that vision. That future state is not only economically and environmentally strong but supports a strong sense of belonging for all. I thought about this as I walked through Freak Alley over the weekend. I had not been to Freak Alley before. The Alley is in downtown Boise and features the work of local artisans on the surrounding buildings. I found it far more interesting than the gum wall in Seattle. The weekend presented opportunity for intentional thought about inclusion and belonging. I strive to make such thoughts and appropriate behaviors routine.