Jake Wagner

  1. Scholarly Assistant Professor – Career
Email Addressjake.wagner@wsu.edu
Location0301G Graduate Assistant Office


CV (pdf)

Research Interests

Discrete Choice Econometrics
Development Economics
Environmental and Resource Economics
Transportation Economics


Phd, Economics, Washington State Univeristy – 2020
BA, Economics, Western Washington University – 2016
BS, Mathematics, Western Washington University – 2016


“A Decision Support Tool for Rural Water Supply Planning” (with Joseph Cook and Gunnar Newell), Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 2020.
“Household Demand for Water in Rural Kenya” (with Joseph Cook and Peter Kimuyu), Environmental & Resource Economics, 2019.


“Assessing the Feasibility of an Inland Container Terminal in the Pacific Northwest” (with You Zhou, Maksud Rahamn and Eric Jessup), 2020.
“Geographic Analysis of Barriers to Efficient Rail Grain Freight Movements” (with Wesley Wilson and Eric Jessup), 2020.

Grant Awards

“Planning tools for transit managers to improve efficiencies, and prepare for the post-Covid environment,” Lead-PI with Danna Moore, $40,000 + in-kind match from Pullman Transit.
“Parking planning tools to improve efficiencies, aid recovery and prepare for the post-Covid environment,” Co-PI with Danna Moore, $40,000 + in-kind match from WSU Transportation Services.