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Research Facilities Act Program

The purpose of the Research Facilities Act Program (RFAP) is to assist qualifying institutions with the costs related to constructing, purchasing, updating, renovating, or modifying agricultural research buildings to conduct research in the areas of agriculture and food sciences. The proposed agricultural research facility must expand the institution's capacity for long-term impactful research and must […]

AFRI Sustainable Agricultural Systems

Applications to the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative - Sustainable Agricultural Systems (SAS) Request for Applications (RFA) must focus on approaches that promote transformational changes in the U.S. food and agriculture system. NIFA seeks creative and visionary applications that take a systems approach for projects are expected to significantly improve the supply of affordable, safe, […]

AFRI – FAS Food and Human Health (A1343)

NIFA requests proposals that use culturally and contextually appropriate approaches, where applicable, to investigate the interrelationships of foods, or components of foods, and their impact on the gut microbiota to improve human health. Project results should inform precision nutrition or personalized dietary needs particularly for historically underrepresented populations.


AFRI – FAS Diseases of Agricultural Animals (A1221)

Program Area Priority: Application topics may include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following: a. Cellular, molecular, genomic/genetic or whole-animal aspects of animal health and disease, with emphasis on maintaining healthy agricultural animals to ensure a safe and adequate food supply. b. Maintenance of homeostasis including innate immune responses. c. Disease […]