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AFRI – FAS Diseases of Agricultural Animals (A1221)

Program Area Priority: Application topics may include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following: a. Cellular, molecular, genomic/genetic or whole-animal aspects of animal health and disease, with emphasis on maintaining healthy agricultural animals to ensure a safe and adequate food supply. b. Maintenance of homeostasis including innate immune responses. c. Disease […]

AFRI – FAS Welfare of Agricultural Animals (A1251)

Program Area Priority: Evaluation (which should include assessment of animal welfare) of current animal agriculture (including aquaculture) production practices and/or development of new or enhanced management approaches that safeguard both […]

AFRI – FAS Animal Nutrition, Growth and Lactation (A1231)

Program Area Priority: Cellular, molecular, genomic/genetic or whole-animal aspects of nutrition, growth and lactation, especially focusing on: Nutrient utilization and efficiency, this may include influence and impact of the gastrointestinal […]

AFRI – FAS Animal Reproduction (A1211)

Program Area Priority: Cellular, molecular, genomic/genetic or whole-animal aspects of animal reproduction relevant to improving reproductive efficiency or enhancing reproductive management, including mitigating reductions in fertility that are exacerbated by climate change, especially focusing on: Gonadal function (including production, function, and preservation of gametes); Hypothalamic-pituitary axis; Embryonic and fetal development (including interaction between the conceptus […]

AFRI – FAS Small and Medium-Sized Farms (A1601)

This program area priority focuses on the development and/or adoption of new models to assist agricultural (farm, forest, or ranch) landowner/manager decision making with respect to appropriate scale management strategies and technologies to enhance economic efficiency and sustainability, including the viability and competitiveness of small and medium-sized dairy, poultry, livestock, crop, forestry, aquaculture, and other operations.

AFRI – FAS Foundational Knowledge of Plant Products (A1103)

Program Area Priority: The Foundational Knowledge of Plant Products program supports projects to study the biosynthesis of plant-derived, high-value biomolecules for use in foods, pharmaceuticals, and other products. Projects must […]

AFRI – FAS Physiology of Agricultural Plants (A1152)

Program Area Priority: The Physiology of Agricultural Plants program will support projects to improve productivity or other performance factors of agriculturally-important plants (including weeds) using molecular, biochemical, whole-plant, agronomic, or […]

AFRI – FAS Water Quantity and Quality (A1411)

USDA-NIFA will provide competitive support to improve water science, management and technologies, water conservation and water use efficiency; promote common data exchange formats and access to data for decision-making, improve forecasting and model water related systems, and promote technology adoption and behavior change by producers, land managers, and decision makers.