Joao Antonangelo

  1. Assistant Professor, Applied Soil Chemistry 
Location351 Clark Hall


Joao Antonangelo holds a B.S. in Agricultural Engineering from Sao Paulo State University, Botucatu, SP, Brazil, an M.S. in Soils and Plant Nutrition from the University of Sao Paulo, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, and a Ph.D. in Soil Science from Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK. He is extensively engaged in the realms of Soil Chemistry, Soil Fertility, and Plant Nutrition. With a diverse research portfolio, his expertise encompasses a broad spectrum of subjects, including but not limited to soil acidification, the application of biochar in agriculture to enhance carbon sequestration, optimization of nutrient utilization efficiency, remediation of soil contaminants, adoption of sustainable fertilization practices, enhancement of soil health, and adept nutrient management.

Curriculum vitae (pdf)


  • B.S. Agricultural Engineering, Sao Paulo State University, Botucatu, SP, Brazil
  • M.S. Soils and Plant Nutrition, University of Sao Paulo, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil
  • Ph.D. Soil Science, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.


I will start teaching 12 to 18 months from now. The courses will be Soil Chemistry (for graduate students) and Soil Analytical Techniques (for undergraduate students).

Research Interests

Research emphases are on soil organic matter dynamics and soil biochemistry in direct support of healthy and sustainable grain production. Topics of study include soil carbon sequestration, organic matter turnover, nutrient release from organic matter and crop residues, root exudates and rhizosphere, organo-mineral interactions, biochar, and soil acidification.

Memberships and Associations

  • Soil Science Society of America
  • WSU Extension Dryland Cropping Systems Team
  • WSU Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee

Research Strengths

  • Innovation in technology use
  • Mathematics, science, and STEM education
  • Research methodologies
  • Sustainability and environmental education

Recent Publications

  • Antonangelo, J., and H. Zhang. 2021a. Influence of biochar derived nitrogen on cadmium removal by ryegrass in a contaminated soil. Environments 8(2): 11.
  • Antonangelo, J., and H. Zhang. 2021b. Soil and plant nutrient analysis with a portable XRF probe using a single calibration. Agronomy 11(11): 2118.
  • Antonangelo, J.A., H. Zhang, and I. Sitienei. 2023. Biochar amendment of a metal contaminated soil partially immobilized Zn, pb, and CD and reduced ryegrass uptake. Frontiers in Environmental Science 11.
  • Antonangelo, J.A., J.F. Neto, C.A. Costa Crusciol, H. Zhang, L.R. Alleoni, and S.D. Kinrade. 2022a. Comparative analysis of exchangeable aluminum in a tropical soil under long-term no-till cultivation. Soil and Tillage Research 216: 105242.
  • Antonangelo, J.A., J.F. Neto, C.A. Crusciol, H. Zhang, and L.R. Alleoni. 2022b. Lime and calcium-magnesium silicate cause chemical attributes stratification in no-till fields. Soil and Tillage Research 224: 105522.
  • Antonangelo, J.A., J.L. Souza, A. Whitaker, B. Arnall, and H. Zhang. 2022c. Evaluation of mehlich-3 as a multi-element extractant of micronutrients and sulfur in a soil–ryegrass system amended with varying biochar rates from two feedstocks. Land 11(11): 1979.
  • Antonangelo, J.A., X. Sun, and H. Zhang. 2021. The roles of co-composted biochar (Combi) in improving soil quality, crop productivity, and Toxic Metal amelioration. Journal of Environmental Management 277: 111443.
  • Gillespie, C.J., J.A. Antonangelo, and H. Zhang. 2021. The response of soil ph and exchangeable al to alum and lime amendments. Agriculture 11(6): 547.
  • Souza, J.L., J.A. Antonangelo, A. de Oliveira Silva, V. Reed, and B. Arnall. 2022. Recovery of grain yield and protein with fertilizer application post nitrogen stress in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Agronomy 12(9): 2024.
  • Souza, J.L., J.A. Antonangelo, H. Zhang, V. Reed, B. Finch, and B. Arnall. 2023. Impact of long-term fertilization in no-till on the stratification of soil acidity and related parameters. Soil and Tillage Research 228: 105624.
  • Zhang, H., J. Antonangelo, and C. Penn. 2021b. Development of a rapid field testing method for metals in horizontal directional drilling residuals with XRF sensor. Scientific Reports 11(1).
  • Zhang, H., J. Antonangelo, J. Grove, D. Osmond, N.A. Slaton, S. Alford, R. Florence, G. Huluka, D.H. Hardy, J. Lessl, R. Maguire, R. Mylavarapu, J.L. Oldham, E.M. Pena‐Yewtukhiw, T. Provin, L. Sonon, D. Sotomayor, and J. Wang. 2021a. Variation in soil‐test‐based phosphorus and potassium rate recommendations across the Southern USA. Soil Science Society of America Journal 85(4): 975–988.

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