Congratulations, Luz María Gordillo, Winner of the 2024 MLK-Distinguished Service: Inclusive and Equitable Practices Award

Luz María Gordillo received recognition for her exemplary work and dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion through inclusive and equitable practices at Washington State University’s 2024 MLK Celebration, Keynote Address, and Award Ceremony, held Thursday, Jan. 18, at the CUB Ballroom in Pullman.

Assistant Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Excellence in CAHNRS, Gordillo was honored with the MLK-Distinguished Service: Inclusive and Equitable Practices Award, which recognizes individuals and groups who have made extraordinary contributions at WSU toward continuing the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In addition to exemplifying the promotion of human rights and social justice, awardees are recognized as having engaged in acts of altruism and community service, participated in the advancement of diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice, and shown inclusive and equitable practices in academics and education.

Through her work as assistant dean, head of the CAHNRS DEI Committee, and in other endeavors, Dr. Gordillo has contributed to the betterment of her community by being an advocate for marginalized groups, aiding in recruiting, mentoring, and retaining diverse populations, and working for greater justice by supporting the university’s commitment to inclusion in all areas. While facilitating inspiring speakers to share their stories and research, supporting mini-grants for DEI initiatives that expand to greater university-wide programs, recognizing heritage and pride months, and participating in discussions at WSU and across international universities, she makes time to check in on the mental health of those she works with, as well as to meet with young mentees to inspire and instill her values in them. A bright light and a beacon to help guide social equality and greater justice, Dr. Gordillo’s aura is recognized by all who work with her.

“While I am deeply honored and humbled to receive this recognition, I believe it truly reflects the exceptional dedication of the entire CAHNRS community to diversity, equity, and inclusion,” Gordillo said. “Our colleagues enrich every aspect of our work, and DEI efforts are most impactful when they’re a collaborative enterprise.

“This award inspires me to continue alongside amazing individuals who share a genuine commitment to fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for all,” she added. “It’s truly a privilege to collaborate with such passionate and driven colleagues in pushing boundaries and advancing DEI within our college.”