Lots to think about

Photo looking through green leafy trees with a little bit of snow on the leaves. On the grass are leaves. In the background is a walkway with lights and bushes, and a brick building.
Snow came too early for my liking. Fortunately, the weather did not impede any of our road show visits to eight statewide locations over the last two weeks.
(Photo courtesy of Robert Hubner/WSU Photo Services)

Snow came too early for my liking. Fortunately, the weather did not impede any of our road show visits to eight statewide locations over the last two weeks. Thanks to the CAHNRS personnel who took the time to meet with me and the leadership team. I enjoyed the conversations. I do not often get to interact with support personnel from around the state, so that was special.

I still need to digest everything we heard, including challenges, needs, and suggestions. There is a lot to think about and even more to get started on. Your input is greatly appreciated and will help us move forward with telling our story and making CAHNRS an employment destination. I hope everyone found the meetings worthwhile. A brief survey is out, and your responses will guide future road shows.

A highlight of the road show was the networking events with local partners and alumni. It was great to meet some of our supporters for the first time and reconnect with some I had not seen in a while. Conversations were brief, so I have a number of follow-up calls to make. Thanks to all who came out to say hi.

I am leaving the early winter of Washington and spending much of the week in warmer Washington, D.C. While the primary purpose of the trip is a conference, there will be time to visit a few legislative offices and say hello to our friends on the Hill. We appreciate everyone who will take time away from a budget resolution to hear about the work of CAHNRS and the difference it makes.

Promotion packages are submitted. On Nov. 16, we will again offer a Zoom meeting focused on promotion and tenure preparation. Faculty will hear suggestions for packet preparation from peers who have recently been promoted. Members of the CAHNRS Promotion and Tenure Committee will share their recommendations, and the provost’s office will join us to dispel common myths and demystify the process.

Travel is heavy for November, with a couple holidays tucked in between trips. I continue to synthesize the program proposals and consider how we can accomplish the ideas. I will be turning something back to our chairs and directors in a few weeks for feedback and ideas for moving forward. About that same time, we should wrap up a CAHNRS response plan for the employee engagement plan. Time flies when there’s lots to do.


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