Using the land-grant missions in innovative ways

Two people stand in a field next to a research poster. A group sits on bleachers, facing away from the camera and looking at the presenters.
I hear the recent Wilke Farm Field Day was a success.

I am traveling this week, getting out of the Pullman heat that seemed to come out of nowhere. The weather rollercoaster keeps us guessing this year for sure.

Scot Hulbert, Nancy Deringer, Leslie Edgar, and I are all in Alaska through Thursday at a summer meeting with our dean and associate dean peers in the Western U.S. Vicki McCracken has plans with family and could not attend. We will fill her in on the conversations when we return.

Our meeting topic is bringing the three land-grant missions (teaching, research, and Extension) together in new and innovative ways to solve the most pressing problems of the Western U.S. The conversations will continue through the end of the week. What remains to be seen is the follow-up and what emerges or changes. With year-end upon us, we will be keeping up with things while away.

I hear the Wilke Farm Field Day was a success, as was the Washington State 4-H Teen Conference. I didn’t make it to either event this year. There are many things going on across CAHNRS; it seems like there are often multiple options for what to attend. There are plenty of summer events remaining before August departmental retreats and the return of students. In the meantime, I have a vacation next week and look forward to disconnecting from reality. I hope everyone has a great 4th of July holiday.