I hope everyone enjoyed some time away last week. I spent time in Virginia with family. The tragedies in Moscow, Charlottesville, and Chesapeake weighed heavy on our minds, making us that much more thankful for each other’s company. Travel was uneventful on the trip east, but winter brought about delays heading back west. It is important that I remember that moisture is crucial, in whatever form we can get it. I can adapt and acclimate.
The weather caused a change in meetings this week as well, moving the Tree Fruit Endowment Advisory Committee to Zoom. While I won’t make it to Othello for a first visit in 2022, there remains plenty of time to do so.
I was to visit the Spokane campus this week on my way back from the Tri-State Grain Growers Convention banquet. The campus visit and the Tri-State Grain Growers Convention banquet won’t happen for me. The now-Zoom meeting with the Spokane chancellor should be a good opportunity to continue a discussion that Vicki McCracken and I had with a few of the chancellors on Monday about facilitating enhanced collaboration between campuses and Extension.
The research and Extension centers already have strong collaborations, yet remain unknown to many faculty. Imagine the partnerships that could occur if there was a mechanism to introduce people to each other and their work! We appreciate the callout from President Schulz about the benefit of the Puyallup and Mount Vernon Research and Extension Centers hosting recruitment events! Like the students who applied to WSU following the events, faculty are quite likely to want to work with the centers and Extension when made aware of the opportunities.
Next week is a Board of Natural Resources meeting. I am spending quite a bit of time considering the discussion and vote that will take place during the meeting. I learned a long time ago that science only takes decisions so far before judgement enters the picture in determining the fate for beneficiaries, the public, and the environment. There’s a lot to think about with no statistics or tables of data to reference.
I can’t believe December is upon us! Time has certainly flown by for me this semester. Only a couple of weeks before commencement ceremonies! In addition to resumed events and a good football season, there have been some bumps along the way, and some adjustments are still being made. Thanks to each of you for all that you do to support students, colleagues, and WSU!