Last weekend’s Master Gardener Program 50th anniversary celebration at the Wenatchee Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center (TFREC) went off without a hitch! The weather was perfect, the displays from master gardener groups in Chelan, Douglas, and nearby counties, the TFREC program exhibits, and the children’s area were all busy with visitors. Despite his short time with the program, Marco Martinez pulled off an impressive event! Many, many thanks to the volunteers, staff, and faculty who made it a success! I am disappointed I will miss the July event at the Mount Vernon Northwestern Washington Research and Extension Center.
Following the master gardener celebration, Chad Kruger gave an outstanding tour of TFREC to Sens. Cantwell and Stabenow. I believe both senators left with a strong understanding of the need for reliable, safe infrastructure to advance the research that underpins food security. I so appreciate the senators taking time out of a busy day and being fully engaged in the visit. I do not know if the staffers had been to TFREC previously, and I hope they found the trip valuable.
This week we welcomed our second candidate for the associate dean and director for the Office of Research position! I am excited about our candidates and the turnout for the seminars. I know everyone is busy and appreciate all making time to hear from our candidates and share your feedback. This position is important to everyone in CAHNRS.
I am eager to attend the Lind Field Day this week, understanding it is one of our largest events. After the success of the recent turfgrass event, I can only imagine the turnout, especially if the weather is good. The Lind Dryland Research Station has an interesting history of strong support through an endowment established by dryland growers. That support continues today. We are pleased to have a new scientist at the station whom I will meet in person for the first time.
Before I head to the Lind Field Day, I will meet with the Growth and Visioning Task Force (GVTF), and Scot Hulbert and I will meet with Jean Dodson Peterson and the Wine Research Advisory Committee to talk about the progress the Department of Viticulture and Enology has made on departmental establishment, research success, enrollment projection, and curriculum development.
Somewhere this week I need to put intentional effort into planning the composition of a CAHNRS advisory board and get a proposal in front of the associate deans for their feedback before bringing it to the chairs and directors. I want to make sure we balance the size of the group with the breadth of our work. My goal is to have the board meet mid-fall to review the programmatic vision for CAHNRS, following more input from units over the summer on the GVTF’s work. Summer is moving fast!