
Two zebras stand in a field. The skyline of Nairobi is in the background.
This week I am in Nairobi to support the work of CAHNRS in Kenya. (Adobe Stock)

I hope everyone had a great long weekend and took pleasure in turkey trots, turkey dinners, and time with loved ones! There is so much for which to be grateful. I had a good time with family and caught a few beach sunrises. That never gets old. With the end of the semester just around the corner, there is much to do before commencement in two weeks and a longer break in less than a month.

This week I am in Nairobi. The first eight-plus hour flight never seems too bad. It is the second flight of that length or longer in the same trip that finds me bored and ready to walk around. Fortunately, the week’s agenda is keeping us busy before the long trip back to Washington beginning Friday night. 

I am traveling with a number of people in the WSU system, including Kevin Murphy from CAHNRS. Kevin is well acquainted with this trip. I look forward to the mid-week seminar he will give on his work in Kenya. WSU’s College of Arts and Sciences, the WSU Graduate School, and WSU Government Relations are here, too. While the trip is long and the week is short, I want to support the work of CAHNRS in Kenya. Just last month, Joe Hewa and Laura Lavine made the trek to prepare for the summer study abroad course. I am sure there are more connections to CAHNRS that I will learn about as the week progresses.

I am slowly reaching out to friends of CAHNRS and inviting them to serve on our Advisory Council. It is fun to engage in conversations while learning more about connections to CAHNRS and how we can work together going forward. With travel, standing meetings, and the industry meeting season upon us, formation of the council is a bit prolonged. I remain optimistic we will have a spring meeting to talk about our programmatic vision and progress on the update to the current strategic plan.

I am looking forward to being back on campus next week!


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