
The final week

It is finals week. Just a few short exams and many celebrations before campus becomes quieter and students put their acquired skills and knowledge to work.

FFA students walk down a sidewalk near Martin Stadium on the WSU Pullman campus.

Exploring Vietnam

A group of us visited with leadership and students at the Vietnam National University of Economics and Business on Monday. There was strong interest in partnering with WSU in research, student exchanges, study abroad programs, and perhaps a 2+2 program for Vietnamese students.

Two people in bee gear work with bee hives outside.

April is here

Congratulations to our newest LIFT Faculty Fellows! Congratulations also to the Celebrating Excellence Banquet honorees. We are so proud of each person recognized.

Five people stand together. The person standing in the middle holds an award.

Sharing great work

The tree fruit endowed chairs provided research updates last week. The group did a great job talking about their work and its benefits to the industry, as well as their future plans.

Close up of ripe royal gala apples on a branch with green leaves.

A quiet week on campus

This is a quiet week on campus with spring break in full swing. Next week begins the end of semester rush with events and celebrations for the many achievements of students, staff, and faculty.

A group of Biological Systems Engineering department faculty and staff stand together. About 20 or people total.

Spring has to come sometime

Spring has to come sometime, though maybe not this week. Hopefully students, faculty, and staff will find warm temperatures during spring break, or good snowpack if that is preferred.

Close-up of purple crocus. On the ground near them are dead leaves, a ground covering, and a rock border. In the background are trees, bushes, and a building.