Dean Wendy Powers Blog

MLK remembered

After the long weekend, I headed to Miami to spend the rest of the week learning about philanthropy and donor relations at the Development for Deans and Academic Leaders Conference. While it may seem trivial, I am always open to learning and improving. Our donors are important to us and our success in CAHNRS; just […]

Freak Alley in Boise, Idaho.

The semester is winding up

I have to admit, last week was a bit slow. I suspect those that had not taken a break the week of Dec. 19 might have still been away part of last week. I used the slow time to prepare for the semester to move into full swing this week. I visited the Composite Materials […]

Green rolling hills of Steptoe Butte.

New year, new opportunities

Welcome to 2023! I hope everyone took time to recharge in the company of family and friends. I know travel disruptions changed plans for several, but hopefully there was still an opportunity to enjoy the quietest time for CAHNRS. I look forward to new adventures for our college and all within it. For me, the […]

Dean Wendy Powers

Winter Solstice

It was great to see so many people at the CAHNRS winter party and meet many for the first time! The fog of last week has me looking forward to getting past the winter solstice! I am ready for a bit more sunlight and daylight. I am sure, like me, many are ready for a […]

In Dr. Vikram Yadama's lab at the WSU Composite Materials Engineering Center, postdoctoral researcher Avishek Chanda, left, and doctoral student Vyasgowtham Prabhakar, right, demonstrate part of the process of turning hazelnut shells into strong, eye-catching architectural panels.

Meeting New People

This week started in a fog. If I did not have to wonder if there was ice underfoot, I would have thought I was in California, near the Delta or San Francisco. Weather aside, it was the start of another week with much to look forward to, including some sun along the way. Mason Ruark, […]

WSU graduate Mason Ruark.

Faculty Successes

This week, I met with the Department of Entomology to learn more about them as a team and the department’s individual programs. The group has had many successes and incredibly strong support from donors and partners. Like other departments, the team is distributed across the state, leveraging opportunities to build collaborations broadly. Across WSU, the […]

Two entomology students holding stick bugs

December is here

I hope everyone enjoyed some time away last week. I spent time in Virginia with family. The tragedies in Moscow, Charlottesville, and Chesapeake weighed heavy on our minds, making us that much more thankful for each other’s company. Travel was uneventful on the trip east, but winter brought about delays heading back west. It is […]

Two students walking in the snow.


Last week I was on the Tri-Cities campus for a meeting with Chancellor Haynes, followed by time with members of some of the state’s largest commodity groups, and time with the new Department of Viticulture and Enology. The visit reminded me that all partnerships can be tricky, but fruitful, pending a genuine commitment to success […]

Entrance to IAREC building.

Positioning for growth

I don’t know about you, but I welcomed the long weekend! On the other hand, I can’t believe it is time to think about the Thanksgiving menu. Before I headed out for the weekend, I had a chance to visit the Perennial Grass Breeding and Ecology Farm. Who knew grass could be so exciting! Michael […]

Grass trials WSU.

Transforming the educational experience

It sounds like the entire state had high winds this past weekend. Hopefully no one suffered extensive damage. Winds had died down enough on Saturday that my flight to Denver left on time. I managed to avoid the hail that I hear hit Pullman Saturday afternoon. Last week ended with a chance to interact with […]

Dean Wendy Powers and Amanda Smith in Innovation Center milling room